
Friday, February 8, 2013


In my last post I mentioned that I was living throughout the seasons in my life really taking them in.

Just recently there have been some more changes in my life. I have been hanging out and talking to a gentleman who was involved with the same small groups we have at my college campus. We would spend out time running, talking, and going to church and bible studies.

After previous relationships I was on the mend. I didn't want to hurt again and most importantly I didn't want to hurt someone else again. I began praying about where God would want this new friendship to go and continued on with my life. I know I have recently been struggling with the idea of where in my life God needs me. Does he need me completely single? To reach the other singles out there? Or is he ready for me to start being an example in a Christ Centered relationship?

I want everything I do to glorify God. Now I am only human and of course I sin everyday of my life. I don't always do what needs to be done or react in a situation faithfully reflecting my Lord and Savior.

But I am a work in progress. And we really all are. We are all down here separated from God. Its an evident disconnection if you look at everything that is happening in our World today. through the holy spirit however we are connected. And it is through this connection that I feel my needs and longings that I use to search for in my earthly relationships vanish and be fulfilled in God and in him alone.

Everything is new to me. When I wrote awhile back about being a new creation that exactly what I am doing. I am born again. I'm learning to walk, learning what is acceptable to God and trying my best to reflect his love and compassion to his lost world.

As I continue to walk through these Seasons of my life I hope to only bring honor and Glory to the most important thing in my life; the one at the center of my life. My seasons are changing and the one true constant is God. As my last semester of my undergraduate career begins I look forward to this season and the seasons ahead wherever God may lead me!

Friday, February 1, 2013

"Content in Him"

Content is exactly how I am feeling at this time in my life. 

Traveling to Belize in the first part of January really began opening my eyes to a new area of growth in my walk with the Lord.

It was while I was in Belize that I was able to fully let go with my grip on time. I had gotten so accustomed to watching my watch to see what activities I had next and in doing so I lost the joy of spending time in the activity I was currently doing.
For example: I have found joy in singing once again. Last semester it seemed I was so busy trying to get things done for nursing and other activities I was involved in that I didn't allow myself to fully enjoy my choral rehearsals. I would show up for class, sing along with my music but I would never go deeper, or go further. I would continually be looking to what I had to do immediately afterward.
God didn't want me living like that anymore. And most importantly I have been able to see and understand exactly why in Ecclesiastes he talkes about there being a time for every activity under the sun.

{Ecclesiastes 3.1 There is a time for everything, and a season for everything under the heavens}

Seeking his wisdom and understanding everyday in this area has allowed me to relax in his presence and focus on how my actions and attitude towards activities and events can really further his kingdom.
I have found joy in all the simple things again. Although I am extremely busy with nursing, tennis, choir and the small groups I am a part of I am able to use my time in each activity to give God glory!
He has blessed me with so much and I continue to thank him daily for where he has me at this time in my life.